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HargaRp. 18.750.000
Jumlah Pesanan:
Negara AsalJepang


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77 Diagonal, 1175mm x1692mm, 4: 3 Aspect, 1 panel

Panasonic has released the elite Panaboard ( UB-T780) as an interactive whiteboard for educational institutions and businesses. The elite Panaboard lets you display the contents of a computer screen directly onto the board. This enables users to operate their own software applications for business presentations or school lessons.

Windows applications like PowerPoint and Excel, and even special educational software, can be operated right on the elite Panaboard. The elite Panaboard book software enables users to write or draw onto the screen, add notes, diagrams, text and images. This provides powerful support for both business and education, with persuasive presentations backed by Internet resources for the office, and engaging lessons filled with large-screen visuals for the classroom.

# White-" bored" ? We' ve got just the solution.
Panasonic' s UB-T780 Interactive Whiteboard will help energize your meetings, keep your students engaged and focus the attention on the topic. Complete with an abundance of interactive technologies, the UB-T780 is the tool you need to keep those ideas flowing and engage your audience.

# Project your growth
Save projected notes directly on your PC. With remote PC operation, anything you write with the electronic pen can be saved with your application.

# A great learning tool
Take the elite Panaboard Book software and engage your students with interactive learning. Bring your own curriculum to the table inside our software and immerse your students in the topic using tools geared to make learning fun.


- Large 77-inch screen enables high-impact lessons and presentations
- Suppressed light reflection and durable surface allow clear viewing whilst being resistant to everyday bumps and knocks
- Ergonomic electronic pen allows for smooth and easy mouse-like operation
- Software applications make it easy to create teaching and presentation materials
- Easy to set-up using the elite Panaboard drivers and software


- Large 77-inch screen
Allows for high impact lessons and presentations

- Long life surface designed for extra durability
This board is built tough enough to withstand vigorous everyday use due to no electronic components on the board surface

- Minimal reflection and reduced glare
Minimised light reflection ensures projected images are easy to see

- Multi-functional electronic pen
Ultrasonic and Infrared technologies accurately sense screen position

- Easy push-and-press pen operation
Pushing the pen button whilst pressing the pen tip to the board surface allows for right click mouse functionality

- Easy operation of PC Software
The elite Panaboard lets you use teaching materials created with other Software applications

- elite Panaboard book software
This contains Pansonic tools for creating and editing teaching material

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Email : marketing@
Tel : 021-56964145, 56167000
SMS : 0815-84670000

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